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Violent Crimes Program

Victim Advocates in our Violent Crimes Program advocate for individuals and their families who have been impacted by non-intimate partner related violent crime including, but not limited to homicide, non- fatal gun violence, robbery, burglary, hit and run, property damage, and identity theft.


Although the name has changed throughout the years, the Violent Crimes Program is one of the oldest programs at the Crime Victim Center. We have partnerships with Homicide, Ministers, and Community Alliance, Violence Prevention Commission, local and state agencies, as well as other community stakeholders who provide us with referrals and support.

Services Provided:
  • Crisis support

  • Long term case management including follow up support and advocacy

  • Assisting the client with determining eligibility and filing for their State Funded Victim Compensation Program

  • Providing advocacy with the investigating police department or any other partner in the criminal justice system

  • Safety Planning 

  • Connecting clients to appropriate community referrals and resources

  • Connecting the client to counseling at Crime Victim Center or another mental health provider

Contact Information:

Location: The Humbolt Building

539 North Grand Blvd, 4th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63103

Phone: (314) 652 - 3623


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